Sunday, August 24, 2008

identity crisis

Well I've got this far in the world of blogs and have survived to tell the tale.

I've created an avatar ( what kind of a word is that- enough to drive you to drink) ; I have a created a new identity which is great timing as I have just recently become comfortable with the one I have.

I have a yahoo address now with a password - just to add to the trillions of others that we seem to collect.

I've created a blog and created another new name. My gemini personality really is enjoying this versatility. I've fought with blogspot to get one close to the one I chose but blogspot seemed to only want a double entendre.

So here I am writing my first post and hope to hell that it is what is needed
I tried to add a smiley and I was disallowed- what kind of a world is this ?


Unknown said...

Très cool! I've found your online alter ego OK, but if you want to share it with anyone else you can copy the URL from the browser's address bar... I know what you mean about the password overload too - I have a small book of alias/password combos.

Anyone4coffee said...

My blogspot is in case anyone wants to check it out. Cheers

mellowyellow said...

I would like a coffee or something stronger.

You are a clever blogger!

Anonymous said...

Nice legs, there, Golf Girl.